Community Developments for a Better Environment for Our Future.

Center for Neihboorwood Technology.

I came across this site and admired what they are doing to build a better community. Please check out the website to learn more about their mission.

The organization Center for Neighborhood Technology (CNT) is a great organization because it advocates for better living and easier ways to live in urban communities. CNT’s goal is to advance urban sustainability and shared prosperity through initiatives in transportation, water, climate, and public policy. CNT coach city leaders, advise decision makers and find new ways to solve challenges. They try to give the opportunity of good living to all people whether rich or poor. They make sure that the communities are sustainable, and they have a lot of care and passion put into building them. Some ideas they have put forward to further enhance communities are rooftop gardens, energy conservation, and alternatives to transportation. Rooftop gardens would be a good addition to many houses because it could utilize lots of space at the top of houses and put it to good use with gardens that homeowners could use to make their own food. Another idea that was put forward was energy conservation which would be used to keep housing costs down. This idea would help make houses more affordable and energy less used. Lastly, the idea of alternative transportation was made which could help keep transportation costs down by using things like bikes and walking instead of driving/using the bus. It would also help reduce pollution making the city cleaner. I admire this organization because they care about the communities and people to live in a clean environment. They give opportunities to young inventors. They’re engaged by governments, advocates, policy makers, and community groups to apply their expertise to solving problems.

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